Posts Tagged 'me'

Good Quotes: Anäis Nin

”A good friend is a connection to life – a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.”

A massive thank you to all of my friends for the BIG weekend and for always being there. You are my family and I love you.


(Itak da se poveca ce kliknes gor!)

And We’re Back


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I’m back in the smog. I needed to get a fix of fresh air and a reminder that life is freaking sweet. I still can’t quite promise to blog regularly because I’m homeless but I shall do my best to keep the stats up. A massive thanks with flashy rainbows and thousands of unicorns to Buda for the cabin.


(photo by Hep, part time supermodel, part time couchpotato @ Sirarna)



I’m so sorry people but my life is a crazy hell at the moment so my brain switched to error mode and will soon shut down or at least do the blue screen of death thing. Thanks for your understanding, I’ll be back soon. I think.

OK zdej pa resno. Rabm novo stanovanje.


Včeraj, ko je center Ljubljane (al pa samo moja hiša in bližnja okolica, ker sem pač tam jaz) doživel električni mrk in mi zbrisal post, ki sm ga pisala eno uro, sem se po temnem hodniku prebila do cimrine sobe po vžigalnik. Kot da ni bilo že vsega čez glavo, me vpraša: ”Kaj, konc mesca se pa kr selimo ane.” A? Kaj? WTF, kaj? In res, stanovanje se prodaja. Tako moram zapustit mojo kul-zen-veliko-nacentrirano-v-center-mesta sobo, kjer sem živela od daljnega novembra 2007. Bog, sumim, da se to dogaja zato, ker ne verjamem vate. Prosim ne delaj se norca, to ni več zabavno. Če se najde duša, ki oddaja sobo do julija, naj mi to prosim pove čim prej, ker je res kr mal kriza. Po možnosti blizu centra. Enoposetjlno. Hehe…khm. =} Hvala.


No Feeds & Bad Connection

In the past few days I haven’t been uploading that much because there is a decline in interesing news. I’m subscribed to feeds of some 50 sites but still, it happens. As if that wasn’t shitty enough I’m having connectivity problems. And by ”connectivity problems” I mean ”roomates downloading crap all day long like there was no tomorrow”. It seems like they’re downloading an elephant. We’ll have to talk about that. And by ”talk” I mean ”unplug their cables”. Sorry people, this may happen occasionally.

Thanks for your understanding, hopefully today evening will be better.

That’s What I Did


It’s been quiet around here because I had to go jump in the snow. Somebody had to do that too people, let’s face it. It needed to be done.

Happy 008


See You in 008


We’re driving up to Vogel tomorrow with a bunch of friends for about a week. There’s no internet and frankly – no desire to blog there. I’ll see you all in 008. Have a GREAT New Year’s party and log back on in January.

Hugs :*

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone


Courtesy hello

After quite some time spent forwarding my starred items and other links to good sites to my friends, I decided to create a blog to have them all in one place, sorted and stored forever, for everybody to read. I don’t have time to edit the posts, translate them or post my own stuff so I’ll shamelessly rip them off the net and upload them daily to this blog. I suggest you don’t bitch around about the copyrights because your complaining doesn’t effect me in any way. Strong language is welcome but don’t spam. If you have something interesting to post and would like to share it with the rest of us, you’re welcome to do so by contacting me or just by forwarding me the text and the pictures.
Enjoy :*

May 2024


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