Archive for the 'video' Category

Un Techo Para mi Pais | A Roof for my Country

Just thought I´d report from well… now I´m in Rio already, but this is a video from Zarate, Argentina, where families live in houses as big as your room and their only water source is a hose coming from the ground. This is what we did, these are our families, our kids and our hopes.

Us beso grande de Ipanema,

os amo y extraño mucho,


MUTO, a Wall-painted Animation by BLU

Aw my Gawd. This BLU animation is amazing, check it out (click on the image).


(via: Adrizzle@iLL-Literacy)

What’s Wrong With What We Eat | Mark Bittman

This is a great talk. It’s not architecture or design related but it has everything to do with the environment and healt so it’s well worth sharing with everybody. Somewhere along the line in the food industry things have gone from bad to worse, so continuing with our eating habits would be like building more filthy factories.

”Mark Bittman is a bestselling cookbook author, journalist and television personality. His friendly, informal approach to home cooking has shown millions that fancy execution is no substitute for flavor and soul.”

Click on the image above to view the video.


Save The Planet: Make Cows Fart Like Kangaroos

Let’s End The Day With Lou & Andy

A Biiird :D

Goodnight :*

Let’s End The Day With Taylor

”When you want that enchalada and it’s filled up with nada, that’s the time when you should really.. be upset because you’re hungry”. :D

Always makes me chuckle. PS: Donovan is hot shut up it’s my blog.

Goodnight :*

Sir Norman Foster | Building On The Green Agenda


This is a Norman Foster talk done in Munich in January 2007 and was just posted now, over a year ago, but nevertheless is important. ”The green agenda isn’t about fashion, it’s about survival.” Hopefully more big studios will take on the sustainable design because it truly is not just another trend. Click on the image above to view the video.


Let’s End The Day With Chocolate Rain

End racism now.

Goodnight :*

Let’s End The Day With Dog Robot

I’m so scared now. It has no head.

Goodnight :*

March 22nd | World Water Day

Video: UNICEF's Tap Project

In 1992 The UN General Assembly proclaimed March 22nd as World Water Day. They wanted to draw international attention to the lack of clean drinking water around the globe. About 20% of the World’s population, that is 1.1 billion people, lack access to safe drinking water. The lack of clean water kills about 4500 children per day. Water stressed countries posses a third of the World’s population which mostly contains of Third World residents, Sub-Saharan Africans and South Asians. The clean water issue is much greater though; those countries cannot develop properly with no knowledge of basic hygiene and lack of basic sanitation.

Please continue reading, your attention is crucial.

Continue reading ‘March 22nd | World Water Day’

Let’s End The Day With T.Rex

Move like a cat, talk like a rat, sting like a bee.

Goodnight :*

May 2024


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