Archive for the 'random' Category

Llamas and Chillies


Hey Stashpocket readers,

this blog hasn’t been updated in months and there is a reason to it. In September I flew to Mexico and I’ll be gone for about 8 months for a simple reason: I love to travel (as much as I love architecture). I know you may not care about this =) But I though I’d give you and explanation. So… Not to be completely cut off from any of you who might care about what I do, myself and one of my best friends who is traveling with me, have a blog of our own. We try to update it as much as possible so that our friends and family can track us on our journey through Mexico, Central and South America.


I hope I can bring Stashpocket back to life next summer, until then – take care.

Pura vida,


MUTO, a Wall-painted Animation by BLU

Aw my Gawd. This BLU animation is amazing, check it out (click on the image).


(via: Adrizzle@iLL-Literacy)

Good Quotes: Anäis Nin

”A good friend is a connection to life – a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.”

A massive thank you to all of my friends for the BIG weekend and for always being there. You are my family and I love you.


(Itak da se poveca ce kliknes gor!)

Tibet | Possibly All You Can Do



There is not much we can do but please take a minute to sign the Avaaz petition in case you haven’t done it yet. If there is as much as a glimpse of hope that this might help Tibet, it is well worth doing. If you’d like you can also read this post by Pia Jane Bijkerk.

/sing the petition

/read this blog post by Pia Jane Bijkerk

And We’re Back


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I’m back in the smog. I needed to get a fix of fresh air and a reminder that life is freaking sweet. I still can’t quite promise to blog regularly because I’m homeless but I shall do my best to keep the stats up. A massive thanks with flashy rainbows and thousands of unicorns to Buda for the cabin.


(photo by Hep, part time supermodel, part time couchpotato @ Sirarna)

For All My Sisters

Because I love you, and you’re all an inspiration :*



I’m so sorry people but my life is a crazy hell at the moment so my brain switched to error mode and will soon shut down or at least do the blue screen of death thing. Thanks for your understanding, I’ll be back soon. I think.

Meet The World | Icaro Doria


The Brazilian Icaro Doria has been working for the Grande Reportagem magazine in Lisbon for 3 years now and came up with these very original graphics. Icaro says: ”The magazine Revista Grande Reportagem is a Hard Journalism magazine, on the same line as the Times. The idea was to bring across the concept that the magazine offers profound journalism about topics of real importance to the world today. This is how we thought of the concept Meet the World. /…/ We used real data taken from the websites of Amnesty International and the UNO.”

/see the rest of the flags here.

Fuck Style


This is a really good read for all of us, not only industrial and communication designers. People at Ideasonideas have put together a nifty article called Fuck style. In it they’re thinking about what style is vs. design and I’ll give them two thumbs up for it. It’s really sad how people can get massively effected by ‘style’, forcing them to be ‘in style’ all the time, spending enormouse amounts of money to feel a part of a society/ group. And if you’re a designer/ architect and fall in that cycle – we have a problem. Design is here to SOLVE things, make life easier and better. ”For hardcore designers, “does it work?” is the one question that must be obsessed over. Really, this should be the case for any designer anyways; not whether it looks cool, and not if it can win awards. Hardcore design is about taking away the cute, fluffy stuff, and concentrating on what is actually accomplished.”

/read it here

Caution: There are NO photos or pretty pictures- I repeat – no photos or pretty pictures. Just text.

Japanese Game Show

Gaki no tsukai ya arahende, a Japanese TV Show. European shows have nothing on this. Not a freaking thing :D

May 2024


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